You're a lazy game developer who doesn't have time to design platformer levels! Instead, you choose to let the RNG of dice make the game. Design your platformer with the roll of the dice!

Made in 48 hours and submitted for the GMTK Game Jam 2022.


The dice determine three things: the x-coordinate, y-coordinate, and the tile. Click a dice and throw it under the shelf to select a random value, keep rolling dice until you have a functioning platformer! Once you want to test your game, hit the play button. Tip: natural 20's can result in better tiles...

A & D - move left and right

W or SPACE - jump 

Click & Hold - pick up a die

Scroll Wheel - change offset


Programming: wer8888

Artwork & Design: Goobeart

BG Music: Three Red Hearts - Abstraction, (


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(1 edit)

there is a pritty bad bug, if you put the die outside of the "table" it falls off and you ar stuck (other than that its a fun game!)

Thanks for pointing that bug out, I wish I'd seen it sooner. Thanks for playing!